The Siemens PSS/E data format is a widely used for power system simulation. PSS/E uses a variety of plain-text files to store data for different actions. The RAW format (with file extension .raw) is used to store the steady-state data for power flow analysis. Leveraging ANDES PSS/E parser, one can load PSS/E RAW files into AMS for power flow study.

RAW Compatibility#

AMS supports PSS/E RAW in versions 32 and 33. Newer versions of raw files can store PSS/E settings along with the system data, but such feature is not yet supported in AMS. Also, manually edited raw files can confuse the parser in AMS. Following manual edits, it is strongly recommended to load the data into PSS/E and save the case as a v33 RAW file.

AMS supports most power flow models in PSS/E. It needs to be recognized that the power flow models in PSS/E is is a larger set compared with those in AMS. For example, switched shunts in PSS/E are converted to fixed ones, not all three-winding transformer flags are supported, and HVDC devices are not yet converted. This is not an exhaustive list, but all of them are advanced models.

We welcome contributions but please also reach out to us if you need to arrange the development of such models.

Loading files#

In the command line, PSS/E files can be loaded with

ams run kundur.raw

Likewise, one can convert PSS/E files to AMS xlsx:

ams run kundur.raw -c

This will convert all models in the RAW files.