
class ams.opt.omodel.Param(name: str | None = None, info: str | None = None, unit: str | None = None, no_parse: bool | None = False, nonneg: bool | None = False, nonpos: bool | None = False, cplx: bool | None = False, imag: bool | None = False, symmetric: bool | None = False, diag: bool | None = False, hermitian: bool | None = False, boolean: bool | None = False, integer: bool | None = False, pos: bool | None = False, neg: bool | None = False, sparse: list | None = False)[source]#

Base class for parameters used in a routine.

no_parse: bool, optional

True to skip parsing the parameter.

nonneg: bool, optional

True to set the parameter as non-negative.

nonpos: bool, optional

True to set the parameter as non-positive.

cplx: bool, optional

True to set the parameter as complex, avoiding the use of complex.

imag: bool, optional

True to set the parameter as imaginary.

symmetric: bool, optional

True to set the parameter as symmetric.

diag: bool, optional

True to set the parameter as diagonal.

hermitian: bool, optional

True to set the parameter as hermitian.

boolean: bool, optional

True to set the parameter as boolean.

integer: bool, optional

True to set the parameter as integer.

pos: bool, optional

True to set the parameter as positive.

neg: bool, optional

True to set the parameter as negative.

sparse: bool, optional

True to set the parameter as sparse.

__init__(name: str | None = None, info: str | None = None, unit: str | None = None, no_parse: bool | None = False, nonneg: bool | None = False, nonpos: bool | None = False, cplx: bool | None = False, imag: bool | None = False, symmetric: bool | None = False, diag: bool | None = False, hermitian: bool | None = False, boolean: bool | None = False, integer: bool | None = False, pos: bool | None = False, neg: bool | None = False, sparse: list | None = False)[source]#



Parse the parameter.


Update the Parameter value.



Return the class name


Return the number of elements.


Return the shape.


Return the size.