AMS documentation#

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LTB AMS is an open-source packages for dispatch modeling, serving as the market simulator for the CURENT Large scale Testbed (LTB).

AMS enables flexible dispatch modeling and interoprability with the in-house dynamic simulator ANDES.

Getting started

New to AMS? Check out the getting started guides.


The examples of using AMS for power system dispatch study.

Model development guide

New dispatch modeling in AMS.

API reference

The API reference of AMS.

Using AMS for Research?

Please cite our paper [Cui2021] if AMS is used in your research for publication.


H. Cui, F. Li and K. Tomsovic, "Hybrid Symbolic-Numeric Framework for Power System Modeling and Analysis," in IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, vol. 36, no. 2, pp. 1373-1384, March 2021, doi: 10.1109/TPWRS.2020.3017019.